Reading Notes: Nine Ideal Indian Women: Savitri, Damayanti, Sati, and Uttara

These notes are over Nine Ideal Indian Women: Savitri, Damayanti, Sati, and Uttara by Sunity Devee. I cannot get over the subjugation of women in these stories. They have such character but no control over their own lives. Savitri does exactly what the Prince wants and says her only duty is to follow his commands from now on. While loyalty is a commendable quality, this is a clearly sexist and therefore sad mindset for a woman character to have.
However, having Savitri give up all the creature-comforts she was accustomed to was a really powerful way of demonstrating her deep love for the Prince.
I liked the line, "the forest wondered at her resignation."
It was like the forest was watching the whole interaction between Savitri and the Lord of Death, waiting for her Prince to be taken.
I liked how Damayanti sent her reply to the love letter through a swan. It would be cool to write about a swan going back and forth between senders and the stories the swan encounters.
I liked the line, "love light in his eyes." Something intangible in someone's eyes who loves you is a beautiful thing.
The ego of Nal should not mean that he and Damayanti have to be homeless and poor. However, there is something wonderful about two people in love living a simple life together.
It would be cool to write about Nal and Damayanti retreating to the mountain cave they lived for a while even when they have everything again.
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