Reading Notes: Indian Story Book Part B

These are notes over the Indian Story Book by Richard Wilson. I enjoyed the story called Nala the Gamster. Nala tried to kill a beautiful swan (not cool), and it spoke to him! I saw that and was wondering where this story was going. A swan singing praises was literally the whole reason that Nala and Damayanti fell in love. This story was a tragic, but good, example of someone giving up everything they love and have worked so hard for because of their desires and vices. Nala's need to gamble made him jeopardize everything. I liked how the author spent the whole first part of the story building up the good things in Nala's life. By focusing a lot of attention on the efforts Nala had to go to in order to make his life the way it is, it is all the more tragic when he betrays his dreams.
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