Introduction to a Lover of Mother Earth

Hello, my name is Jessica! I'm an environmental engineering major and am hoping to get my masters in ecological engineering or ecology. Recently I have become very interested the ecological side of caring for the earth because it introduces more of a systems thinking approach, considering all the interactions between species as well as the services each provides. The best class I took last semester was Environmental Fate & Transport Processes because it really delved into how compounds interact with water and soil. It also detailed how compounds move in those media, which is incredibly important when you are trying to contain them! During summer break, I visited my friends who live in Chicago and explored with them. We spent a lot of time at Lake Michigan, which was beautiful. We all had dares we were supposed to complete throughout the course of the trip. One of my friends had to put on a swim cap and do synchronised swimming down Crown Fountain in Millennium Park. Another wore a sign that said life and handed out lemons to everyone she saw. Although she did not actually complete it, one friend was supposed to dress up like Ghandi and speak only in his quotes for a day. The best book I've read is probably a tie between three: Love Letter to the Earth by Thich Nhat Hanh, Half-Earth by Edward O. Wilson, and Voluntary Simplicity by Duane Elgin. In Love Letter to the Earth there are actual love letters in the back of the book that are full of appreciation but also apologies to Mother Earth. They didn't make me cry at all (not). Also, folk music is my jam, and I have included one of my favorite songs. For fun I like to meditate and practice yoga. Honestly, nothing makes me feel better than some child's pose action.
Autodomesticated Animal by Birdtalker found on Youtube


  1. Oh, this is wonderful, Jessica! I am so glad you found a theme that can bring so much meaning into the classes you are taking in school. And maybe you will want to do an environmental project for this class. You will be meeting the Ganga river goddess in the epics, and the heroine of the Ramayana, Sita, is the daughter of Bhumi herself, the earth as goddess: Bhumi-Devi.
    And thank you for the lovely music too (listening to it right now! of course I love dancing in the library!). Being able to share music via blogs is so cool. In the spirit of the earth, check out this gorgeous video from Maati Baani in praise of India's farmers:
    Saccha Mitr - A Salute To Our Farmers
    (they use the sounds of the earth and its fruits to make the music!)
    And here is the Chipko Re video they made in defense of Mumbai's Aarey Forest:
    Chipko Re
    (more about Chipko... one of the great environmental movements of the world!)

  2. Hi, Jessica! I really want to read Love Letter to the Earth now! It sounds really good. I really like your major and what you're pursuing. I think that its important for people to be more aware/respectful of how they treat the earth. That game you and your friends played this summer sounds really fun! I loved the life gives you lemons situation! And you have make sure your one friend dresses up like Gandhi one of these day because that is too good not to see! I've been trying to get into yoga for years now, but I always find myself get distracted by other things. But, I have started stretching daily, which helps me a lot. I hope you have a great semester and best of luck on everything!

  3. Hi Jessica! I will definitely have to look into Love Letter to the Earth; my roommate is really into environmental sustainability and she is really big on all that entails. Your trip sounds like it was loads of fun. I think I am going to have to try the whole "dare" thing with my own friends the next time we go out to do something. I hope you and your friends continue to have fun!

  4. Hi Jessica!
    I just finished reading your post and I’m still cracking up about the “Life gives you lemons” dare- absolutely iconic. I had no idea the University had a class on Environmental Fate & Transport Processes and it sounds really interesting, especially from a recycling/sustainability standpoint. It’s exciting that people, corporations, and area restaurants are trying to be more plastic waste-conscious (I know we have a long way to go though!) My dad’s from Michigan and the Great Lakes are home to some beautiful childhood memories- your summer adventures there sound like they were such a fun vacation!
    After listening to Autodomesticated Animal I you-tubed a Birdtalker playlist and I’m really digging it- thank you so much for sharing!

  5. Hey Jessica! I wish that everybody was taught systems theories related to their respective fields. I think that because there are so many things to study in every field and we usually specialize in something more narrow, we often forget that everything is usually connected by social, economic, political, and physical ties. The Environmental Fate & Transport Processes class that you took sounds so awesome!! I don't know if you have a specialty within your environmental studies, but as someone who studies water scarcity, I always try to talk everybody into going into fields that relate to water security or science just because I know they will be SO needed in the fight against water stress. Hopefully, you can join me into my mission of peer pressuring underclassmen to dedicate their lives to the issues, hahaha. I look forward to reading more from you! :)

  6. Hi Jessica, I think it's awesome that you care so deeply about the Earth and the connections between biology, ecology, and our way of life. If everyone were to take the time to think more deeply about these connections, I have to believe that we would be better stewards of our planet. If you're interested in reading more about the anthropological and ecological impacts of our use of the environment, When the Rivers Run Dry is a great book that offers a world-view of our exploitations of the planet.

  7. Hi Jessica! It sounds like you're really passionate about the Earth and, if I may say, spiritually connected to it! I'm glad you're pursuing a career that'll allow you to express that. I also like to meditate. However, I've never tried Yoga before.

  8. Jessica,
    Thanks for sharing a little piece of your world with us. I love to read as well, and I am really into calming of the mind and yoga as well. I was in a really bad car accident when I was 16 and yoga/meditation really helped me not only get some major back problems fixed, but also to get me back in the drivers seat without too much anxiety. It was so nice to meet you!

  9. Hey Jessica,

    I have never actually encountered anyone related to your major! So it was cool learning some backgrounds of what you do. I usually have one or two things in common with someone, but I have realized that we have none according to your intro! It amazes me to see the differences in people and their taste in music, hobbies, and whatever else it may be. I hope you have a great semester!

  10. Hey Jessica! It’s always really nice to talk to people or listen to people talk about something they really love, even it’s not necessarily something you know much about. Your passion for ecology/the environment was really evident in your introduction, and it’s honestly awesome that you care so much about such an important subject. Best of luck, girl, in whatever you do!

  11. Hi Jessica, I think it is awesome that you have so much love for the environment. It makes me cringe when people litter because they are not being considerate of their waste. I would like to be more into yoga myself because I think sometimes that is what I need since I am always rushing around. So it is awesome that you are into that! I am definitely looking into learning more about it.

  12. Hi Jessica

    Your major sounds great, you have a good career plan going. I also went to Chicago this summer and it was a great break from classes. Thats awesome how you guys did fun dares, it makes the trip even more interesting especially when you do the dares in public with complete strangers. I bet you guys couldn't stop laughing.

  13. Hi Jessica. I enjoyed reading your introduction! I think it is great that you are interested in the environment and ecology. I am a biology major, so I find a lot of similar ties in my classes as well. I think it is great that you are taking an earth-centered approach to this class. It will be fun to read as the semester progresses.

  14. Hey Jessica! I also enjoyed reading your introduction. I think its great that you are interested and invested into preserving and taking care of our environment. I also really enjoyed the video that you put in your post. I have not yet put a video in my blog! Seeing yours makes me want to start using them! However, good luck with the rest of your semester!

  15. Hi Jessica! I think it is awesome you are so passionate about helping the Earth. I am not quite as passionate as you, but my parents drilled being environmentally cautious into my and my brother's brains. I also really got a kick out of the life and lemons prank thing. I think my buddies and I might just have to try that sometime.

  16. Hey Jessica, it is really cool to see just how much you love the environment and are actually interested in helping preserve the planet for future generations to come. We did yoga a little bit during my freshman year as something the coach set up, it was really cool to see how much it helps, I think it is awesome that you are really into it, not too many people are it seems like.

  17. Hey Jessica, glad to hear that you are enjoying environmental engineering. You had mentioned that you really enjoyed your Environmental Fate and Transport Processes class, and I think that's great. We have Transport phenomena classes in our chemical engineering classes, and if your class was anything like that, I'm sure I would enjoy it too as Transport is one of my favorite topics. I hope you have a great semester, and I hope you do well this year!

  18. Hi Jessica!
    It sounds like you know exactly what you want to do! And that's great! I'm glad you have such a passion for it! I thought the dare idea was pretty cool. I liked the lemon idea, and I wish I could have seen people's reactions to it. Sounds like you had fun on the trip though! Good luck with your classes and I hope you continue to enjoy them!

  19. What’s up, Jessica! It is awesome that you wanted to major in environmental engineering and aiming for your masters in ecological engineering or ecology! It is fantastic that you care for our planet. We need those type of people before our world ends. -okay, I might be trippin’. Overall, I hope you have a wonderful semester. Keep up your accomplishments!

  20. Hey Jessica!
    I enjoyed reading your introduction! It's so cool that your major is environmental engineering. It sounds really interesting and glad that you're doing something that interests you. I think it's important to learn more and care for our environment. Also, it sounds like you had a great time in Chicago. I hope the rest of your semester goes well!

  21. Hey Jessica!
    My aunt is an environmental engineer and I love hearing her stories about the work she does. It sounds like you are really passionate about it and that is just what we need in our world right now, people who want to understand and protect our beautiful world. I hope you have an amazing semester and good luck with your studies!


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